
The Listo Group was founded with the purpose of accelerating the digital transformation of micro and small companies, believing in the ability of cloud technologies to disseminate good business management tools and practices integrated with financial services.

We launched our first product in Brazil in 2014, Listo Facil. With a vision focused on the entrepreneur, we built a platform with a completely new experience to enhance the retailer’s entire sales journey. The solution gave the entrepreneur control by simplifying the bureaucracy so that every SME could manage their finances with a cloud-native technology and instant payment solutions.

To sustain the growth of operations, the Group concentrated its efforts on innovating by leveraging the capital markets. In 2017, we created FIDC LF I (link), the first fiduciary investment fund dedicated to credit card receivables, providing even more security to our customers and accelerating the company’s growth.

With the success of Listo Facil, the Group invested to transform the solution that was initially a Web-POS into a Web-ERP in which the entrepreneur can customize the solution according to their own needs and convenience, through a marketplace of micro-applications that stimulates the digital maturity of SMEs.

Furthermore, we invested to transform our embedded financial services solution into a multi-country, multi-currency platform. With this, we began our international expansion in 2019 and are currently operating in 4 countries in Latin America.

In parallel, motivated by the transformations brought on by the Covid Pandemic in 2020, the Group saw the opportunity to invest in building financial solutions. Thus, we began to develop inhouse all the necessary infrastructure to offer and make available financial products for companies in a simple and efficient way.

We created Listo Pay, our acquirer that was born in Brazil, to further improve our level of service to merchants. Based on an innovative architectural design, we created a 100% cloud-native acquirer and processor directly connected to the international schemes, ensuring greater uptime and reliability of services. With this new operation, the Group is able to expand its offering to other segments to serve medium and large companies.

In parallel, motivated by regulatory changes promoted by the Central Bank of Brazil, the Group saw the opportunity to incorporate new financial services into the platform, further expanding the portfolio of services for our store owners.

Listo Bank was born, a digital bank dedicated to meeting the needs of SMEs and related people. Focused on simple and safe financial solutions, we offer deposit, transfer, PIX services in digital accounts, as well as loans and financing.

All of these solutions were built by our software development unit, Listo Sistemas, employing state-of-the-art cloud technology. This unit was spun -off from the Group and has been implementing an open architecture strategy to allow the direct connection by 3rd parties to the technologies developed and licensed.